Just to the left is a note scrawled on the locker to the left: MoThEr. If you look to the left of the terminal you can find a table.of elements. Note both the words all in caps: ELEMENT, HOLY, LEADS, and the part about “his table leads within”. By searching the building, check for a table on the right that has a note labeled “The Sacred Elements”.

The interior of the shrine is small, and features an enclosed space locked by a terminal needing a password. Investigate the Shrine and Collect the Idol The place is teeming with Ghouls, so advance with caution and clear the exterior before you enter Eventually the Ghostly Figure will stop and point at your destination - the Children of Atom Shrine. Down some more Rad-X and Radaway, and give chase as you note the docile irradiated creatures standing on the outskirts of your path. As this happens, a Ghostly Figure will appear above the spring, beckoning you to follow. Immediately you’ll take a massive hit of radiation, and everything get a bit.green and blurry. When you are ready drink from the spring. Make sure you take a healthy dose of Rad-X before approaching, since the place is just full of radiation.

Heading West from the Children of Atom’s base, cross the irradiated water before entering a Gulper-filled swamp that leads to Atom’s Spring. Initiations are rarely so easy, so you’ll first need to find this mysterious spring of probably irradiated water. By asking to join, Richter will ask that you perform a ritual - find a spring nearby and drink from it to gain.something. It’s ill-advised to go against this more militarized version of the cult you’ve seen before - and DiMA would want you to find a peaceful way in.