In the 1910s, El Presidente becomes friends with the President of the United States, Rudolf Thompson, helps him through the Great War as a part of the Allies (but with some contacts in the Central Powers) and during the Great Depression.In this time, Tropico gets involved in a conflict with Isla Rojo, in which emerges victorious.During World War 2, Tropico sides with The Axis. Between it's independence and the beginning of the 20th century not much is known about Tropico's progress, the only known advancements are minor infrastructure modernization through road pavimentation and the introduction of cars and trucks by private importation. The independence of Tropico allows it's governor to become their first president, solidifying the establishment of a dynasty that continues to influence the country to this day. Shortly after the appointment of the new Governor the settlement experiences a sudden productive, populational, infrastructural and societal boom on the few following years prior to it developing it's own national identity and finally proclaiming its independence from the Crown. The responsible European monarchy is likely to be Spanish, due to the fact of it being the colony's official language. Sometime during the 19th century, a small colonial settlement is built on the islands, an unknown governor had been tasked on establishing the basic infrastructure prior to the appointment of another one. Mod Edit: Erased duplicated pics.Ancient ruins give evidence that aboriginal people (most likely the Mayans) may have been the first inhabitants of the Tropican islands. You will always need a balance of agriculture, industry and tourism, considering you need at least agriculture and industry if you want to avoid strikes, civil and rebellion.

In terms of economy it's up to you, do you want a fascist style economy like WW2 3rd Reich or a communist state.

Stuff like martial law, no free lunch, secret police, big brother, etc. Then use the edicts and choose what you think is adequate for a fascist state. Nationalists do not like immigration, Totalitarian like police states, so use the adequate options hen you will choose your Constitution. Use a lot of police stations and military building, pay them well to avoid strikes and problems in case of rebellion. Militarists do not like freedom, so do not build tv towers and newspaper building, as they provide freedom. If you check the almanach, you will see how you do in terms of popularity with each faction, just listen to what they have to say and you easily create a totalitarian state. In Tropico 5 you will see in the game that you have counselors lobbying for their faction (militarists, nationalists, capitalists, etc.)

Tropico 4 was better if you wanted to create a totalitarian state.