You gain 80% damage reduction while maintaining Combustion stacks. Casting Disintegrate adds Combustion stacks that reduce the cooldown of Teleport by 1% per stack. Casting Disintegrate adds Combustion stacks that reduce the cooldown of Teleport by 2% per stack.
Firebird's Finery 4-Piece Set: You gain 80% damage reduction and 4000% increased damage while Ignite is applied to a target.
When you die, a meteor falls from the sky and revives you. Disintegrate Ignites enemies, causing them to take 7500% weapon damage per second until they die. Disintegrate Ignites enemies, causing them to take 3000% weapon damage per second until they die.
Firebird's Finery 2-Piece Set: When you die, a meteor falls from the sky and revives you. Bone Spirit deals 300% to 400% increased damage and deals an additional 2% increased damage for 10 seconds each time Army of the Dead hits an enemy. Bone Spirit deals an additional 2% increased damage for 5 seconds each time Army of the Dead hits an enemy. New item* Bonds of C'Lena: Army of the Dead and Bone Spirit deals 300% to 400% increased damage. Defiler Cuisses: Bone Spirit's damage is increased by 400% to 500% for every second it is active and will also freeze enemies on impact. Bones of Rathma 6-Piece Set: Each active minion increases the damage of Army of the Dead and Bone Spirit by 1000% 500%, up to 8500%. Your skeletal warriors spawn faster, and your revived minions no longer expire. Bones of Rathma 2-Piece Set: Your minions reduce the cooldown of Army of the Dead by 1 0.25 second each time they deal damage. When you take fatal damage, the Scoundrel conceals you from enemies for 3 to 7 seconds based on the Scoundrel's Dexterity, and prevents your death allowing you to escape your death. Updated Vanish description to provide clarity.ĭeveloper's Note *Update: These updates should provide additional clarity into the benefits followers are providing to players. Fixed a bug to make Follower Relics that reduce the cooldown by 50% now affect Vanish, Fate's Lapse, and Guardian. Vanish, Fate's Lapse, and Guardian now display a debuff icon while on cooldown. Vanish, Fate's Lapse, and Guardian now have a higher priority than player's cheat death skills. Follower ability tooltips now display the current value of scaled abilities rather than the range.